Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Computer Is A Multi Tasking, Gaming Computer - 1469 Words

Lets start off with the basics, and how your computer functions. If your computer is a multi-tasking, gaming computer. Then you will need a few performance enhancers. Enhancers such as programs, hardware, and maintenance. Looking for a new computer that is for gaming? If your wanting to buy a new computer, you will need one that will last 5 years plus. Get one with the following, 2 GB of RAM, 512 MB NVIDIA ® GeForce ® 8800 GTX, and dual core processor. These are just the easy basics that you should be looking for when buying a new computer. Program Sweep: Make sure the only program on your computer is the operating system. The operating system, for example is Windows 7. My computer is a 2007 model, and its getting old. It runs brand new, but the hardware can t handle the new type of games that are out there. I have a PC, so its easy to replace the hardware, and this makes getting parts easier. The performance hardware on my PC are, 2 GB RAM, dual core processor, and a NVIDIA G eForce 7300 LE. Programs that Increase Performance: Something you will want to buy is Tuneup Utilities. This program is great because it automatically increases your computers response rate. From start up, to shutdown. It will run a Live Optimization. It also comes with programs that are like a upgraded maintenance kit for your computer. From disk defragment, to gain disk space. Computer Manufacturer: DELL is a great computer manufacturer to buy from. Their site provides you with updates, programs,Show MoreRelatedGames Platforms : The Development Of Platforms1516 Words   |  7 Pagesplatform for gaming can be explained as a collection of hardware components that are specifically designed together to run high performance games that can be interactively played by users. An example of a modern games platform could be a PlayStation 4. These games platforms can fall under their own different categories. 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